Blog 3: What is a KrazyGirl?


What is a KrazyGirl?


A  KrazyGirl,  is anyone who at any time in their life, past or present, has been a little or a lot out of their usual mind and behavior. I don’t mean your run-of-the-mill emotional human, but instead one who is on a spectrum ranging from moderately erratic moodiness and a temperamental nature (Level 1 Krazy), to "What is going on here? Do we need professional help?” (Level 2 Krazy), to "HOUSTON, we have a problem!” (Level 3, or Batshit Krazy). I say this with great respect and love, because busting stigma with humor and connection is the KG philosophy. 


I have been a licensed Family Therapist for over 30 years and I have a KrazyGirl daughter named Courtney. I thought I was a pretty good therapist until my daughter became seriously mentally ill at the age of 13. What she experienced was horrific and no child, parent, sibling, or person should ever have to experience what we went through. Courtney is now 19 and thriving as a happy, healthy college student, but  the long difficult journey into and out of KrazyLand was absolutely the worst experience of our lives. Even though I am a practicing therapist and have a solid knowledge base regarding mental health, I still essentially worked in the dark using the braille method to find our way through.  For years I stayed up until dawn scouring the internet for the best methods out of KrazyLand, to get Courtney through to the other side alive. I am beyond grateful for her recovery and so proud of the amazing and inspiring young woman she has become. Now it has become our life's mission to bring all of this hard-earned information about the reality of achieving and sustaining lasting mental health and wellness to you.


Did you know that Americans are more than twice as likely to suffer from anxiety or depression then we are to drive a Chevy? (Chew on that for a moment.) We need to tackle any stigmas that can stand in the way of our mental health because the truth is, “We’re all a little Krazy, it’s what we do with our Krazy that counts.” This is our KG tagline. The menu that helps all flavors and levels of Krazy, will be the topic of much conversation, and we will discuss this in great detail as we move forward together. 


At this point in my life and career, I have come to see mental health challenges much like ice cream: whether we throw in chocolate chips, mint, or berries, the base is much the same. Regardless of what we may be suffering from, when we understand what is available on the KrazyMenu of wellness, we can take active and informed steps forward toward lasting mental health and not have to navigate in the dark by ourselves. This is what the KG mission is all about. We share our deeply personal stories and provide support, inspiration, and information on this quest together. Our thriving KG community is without question the very best. We uplift each other, laugh, cry, and grieve together while we grow toward the best version of ourselves. We have many exciting initiatives and resources to share with you- from free KG connection groups, a top notch speakers series (complete with after-party), and so much more. We’d be honored to be included on your journey, and we would love to hear your thoughts and reactions to what we share.


Thank you for being here, you are one of us now. We love you already.  Welcome to the KrazyGirl Project!