Blog 2: Welcome to the KrazyGirl Project

Welcome to the KrazyGirl Project

Levels of depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide have reached epic proportions. We know this, and we see ads for medications all the time. But what exactly is mental illness? We may have some degree of understanding if we, or a loved one, are affected. However, many people are still essentially in the dark when it comes to these matters. And sadly, stigma and misinformation are very alive and well in America, and around the world.

Yet, according to the National Association of Mental Illness, one in five adults will suffer from at least one major episode of mental illness each year, and many will have way more than one episode. One in six young people ages 6-17 will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. More than forty-eight million people meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder(over 19% of the population)! Only 43% of those diagnosed will seek treatment, even though anxiety is incredibly treatable. Even more tragically, the average delay between the onset of symptoms and beginning any treatment is 11 years! Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people ages 10-34. There are actually 297 diagnoses listed in the bible of mental disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). ADD (attention deficit disorder). OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). WTF? (LOL!). Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! These abbreviations can be so confusing, and actually minimize the difficult reality that accompanies these life-altering conditions. 

Courtney and I want to change this sad and avoidable reality, and redefine the way we look at mental health and wellness. After her long and terrible road into and out of KrazyLand that began at age 13, we understand firsthand how difficult it is to achieve lasting mental wellness.  I am a longtime practicing Family Therapist with adequate resources available, so I cannot imagine how difficult this must be without these advantages. This is the reason we created the KrazyGirl Project. We want to share everything we have learned on this terrible and also amazing journey. It IS possible to change how mental health is understood and approached, and our mission is to create this change.

We are doing this on multiple fronts. First, we are working to bust mental health stigma with humor and connection across all of our platforms. Our private facebook group is a safe and inspiring place where like-minded people come together to connect, share, laugh, cry, and grow. To take this to a deeper level, we have started the free KG connection groups:age specific small groupings where we come together to share on a more personal level. Our soon to be released book, The KrazyGirl Survival Guide is written in a straightforward and humorous tone, making a potentially confusing and heavy topic more understandable and accessible. Chapter by chapter, we share the truth about what really works to achieve and sustain lasting mental wellness. Our KrazyGirl Speaker Series provides an up-front and personal opportunity to meet and connect with thought leaders from a variety of wellness genres, and our Zoom afterparties allow for an enhanced opportunity to mingle and connect on a deeper level.

By owning and redefining the notion of “Krazy,” we are changing the nature of this concept. We believe that Krazy is normal, because “we’re all a little Krazy” and with understanding and effort Krazy can become  #KrazyEmpowered. What do you think?