Blog 10: Self-Care-Intentions

Blog 10: Self Care -Intentions

At the time of this writing, we are one week into #KGSelfcare month.  I sincerely hope that you have begun to reflect on your own personal concept of self care and what that means at this juncture in your life. In preparation for this event I have also been reflecting. Remarkably, in the midst of my own reflections, the Universe smacked me upside the head in a window of the longest three seconds of my life.

Blog 7 was all about Change. The process of personal change falls into two categories, in my opinion. The first involves some degree of awareness bubbling to the surface of consciousness that leads to behavioral shifts, which if maintained over time will lead to lasting change. This is a slow process that takes ongoing directed energy towards a goal, such as the desire and then sustained effort to quit smoking.  Desire moved into action over time becomes the change we seek.

The second category involves a life altering event, or “a-ha moment” that leaves us changed, and what needs to happen going forward becomes crystal clear.  Some people call this a spiritual awakening. This happened to me last week.  I was driving home from a wonderful weekend with a dear friend that I had not spent time with in many years. Our time together was amazing-full of great connection and truth be told I did not want to leave! I was on my way home, traveling in the fast lane on a major highway on an uneventful Monday afternoon, when all of a sudden traffic stopped right in front of me. This is when time seemed to bend-and the next few seconds played out in slow motion. I veered hard right to avoid crashing into the vehicle which had stopped dead in my path at 80 mph. A moment later the car in front of me also veered right, so I swung even farther into the slow lane to avoid smashing into them. By some force of grace there was no one in either lane, nor was I hit from behind.  I wound up on the shoulder stunned but unharmed, and continued on my way.  Four separate yet intertwined events had just occurred in a three second clip, where I should have died at each juncture.

I did not  process what had actually happened until the next day. Once safely home I fell into a deep sleep, and when I gratefully awoke the next morning, the near miss(es) that should have ended my life were forever etched upon my soul.  I have no cosmic interpretation of why this was not my time to die, or the life of my family forever altered.  I can share however,  how this connects with self care. The personal goals that I had been reflecting on suddenly came into clear focus. My” a-ha moment,” intersected perfectly with the path I had been pondering regarding my own self care.  From this deep understanding, my intention became clear and effortless without any guilt or reservation. I stated my  intention out loud and also softly within my heart. This one sentence will become my guidepost.  The more I align with and practice it, the more this will become the reality of my life.  While I would not wish for a near death experience to assist any of us on our self care journey,  I will accept this gift with gratitude. 

The hard work necessary to manifest this intention will soon come into play because lasting change always takes sustained effort.  There will be obstacles and resistance to deal with both externally and internally.  I look forward to continuing this conversation in the coming weeks and beyond  as we move forward together on this amazing road “from Krazy to #KrazyEmpowered.”  But for now, please value your sweet life with all it’s messy imperfections and challenges.  Deeply connect with the miracle that is YOU. You are good enough and you matter.  Value yourself. Whether physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, intellectually or from any angle that your inner self understands you need, please take good care of yourself!  Set your self care intention. Say it out loud and continue to whisper this deep within your heart.

Xxoo Marci